#StreamingJustice Actions

1) Take MWA’s Streaming Testimonials Survey: https://forms.gle/oxp5dYKSUh95AmTM9

2) Send a letter to your Representatives: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/streaming-justice-tell-congress-we-need-to-get-paid-for-our-work/.

3) Educate 3-5 friends or colleagues about these issues and get them to fill out the survey and write to their Congresspeople, too.

4) Follow @musicworkers on Twitter and @musicworkersalliance on Instagram and spread the word by retweeting/reposting about the #StreamingJustice campaign. Share musicworkersalliance.org/streaming-justice with others, on your newsletters, and on your social media profiles.

5) Get involved with organizing the #StreamingJustice campaign. Email musicworkersalliance@gmail.com to get involved. We’re entirely music worker-run. We do everything in a participatory and democratic way. We’d love your involvement.