On November 26th, 2024, Suchir Balaji, a young AI researcher and courageous whistleblower who spoke truth about unethical and illegal data-scraping to Open AI’s Corporate power, was found dead in his SF apartment.
“[Suchir’s] death comes just three months after he publicly accused OpenAI of violating U.S. copyright law while developing its generative artificial intelligence (genAI) program ChatGPT, which has become a tech sensation worldwide.” [Digital Music News]
"Information Balaji held was expected to play a major role in lawsuits against the company, which is also based in San Francisco.” OpenAI Whistleblower Found Dead After Revealing How the Company Violated Copyright Law
Although SF police have ruled Suchir’s death a suicide, his family believes that "there is more to his death than what is currently being made known to the public.”
Music Workers Alliance joins Suchir’s family in demanding a "comprehensive Investigation into Suchir Balaji’s death.”
> sign Suchir’s family's Change.org petition.
>Contact California Governor Newsom,
Tell Newsom to order a full and independent investigation into the death of SUCHIR BALAJI.
Continue Suchir’s fight for AI Justice!
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